临沂5吨MH型单梁门式起重机 MH type single girder gantry crane(5t in Linyi Shandon ...
更新时间:2017-08-23 08:46:08 作者:admin 点击:90
临沂5吨MH型单梁门式起重机 MH type single girder gantry crane(5t in Linyi Shandong)验收试验现场。Acceptance test site.临沂质监局验收现场Tested by Linyi City Quality Supervision and Inspection Bureau. 6.25吨砝码静载荷,动载荷吊重试验 6.25 tons static load and dynamic load test.真材实料,经得起考验 Trust be given after test. Shandong Longhui hoisting Machinery CO.,LTD.重物载荷吊重试验 heavy load hoist test 安装调试现场 installation and test siteShandong Longhui Hoisting Machinery CO.,LTD Website: http://www.kfqizhongji.com/