MU型门式、 集装箱门式、货场、 装卸桥起重机container gantry crane M ...
更新时间:2017-08-16 03:00:18
集装箱门式起重机 MU型门式起重机 货场起重机 装卸桥起重机Container gantry crane MU type gantry crane yard crane loading and unloading bridge crane 集装箱门式起重机MU型门式起重机 MJ型轨迹集装箱门式起重机 昆峰重工MJ type track container gantry crane Shandong Longhui Crane Machinery CO.,LTD公司先后通过了“ISO9001世界质量办理体系”、“ISO14001环境办理体系”、“GB/T28001作业健康安全办理体系”等认证;获得了“先进公司”、“诚信遵法公司”、“质量办理先进公司”、“全国消费者信得过公司”、“全国消费者信得过商品”、“诺言AAA级公司”、“质量过硬定心品牌公司”、“闻名商品”、“科技型公司”等许多荣誉,是现在国内职业颇具价值和深受信任的商品之一。Our company brand has been much valued and most trusted for we passed and got such honors: “ISO9001 world quality handling system”, “ISO14001 environment handing system”,“GB/T28001 working health and safety handing system”,“Advanced Company”, “Honesty and Law Abiding Company”, “Quality Handing Advanced Company”, “National Consumer Trusted Company”, “National Consumer Trusted Products”, “Promise AAA Level Company”, “Excellent Quality Brand Company”, “Well known Products”, “High-tech Company”, etc.轨迹式集装箱龙门起重机(以下简称轨迹吊)在中国集装箱港口的装卸作业中,通常选用岸边集装箱起重机加轮胎式集装箱龙门起重机(以下简称轮胎吊)的装卸计划,以轮胎吊作为后方堆场的首要装卸机械。在国内,轨迹吊仅在一些货场有所应用,这些轨迹吊在作业等级、电控体系、办理体系等方面远远落后于现有的港口机械水平,不能满意现代港口集装箱装卸的需求。The track container gantry crane (abbreviated for track lift) ,the rubber tyred container gantry crane (abbreviated for tyred lift). For the loading and unloading work in Chinese container ports, we usually choose the coastal container crane and the tyred lift (which is the first choice for the rear yard). The track lift was only used some yards for it was much fallen behind the present port machinery requirements, such as work level, electric control system, handing system, so it can not meet the requirements of container loading and unloading in modern ports.
轨迹吊与轮胎吊的对比Comparison between track lift and tyred lift
2.1 外形尺度Outline Dimension
受轮胎的承载力、整机跑偏等疑问的约束,在现在条件下,轮胎吊的外型尺度已不太也许再有大的打破,通常跨距不超越23.47 m(6列集装箱加1条车道),堆高不超越18. 2 m(堆5过6)。而轨迹吊的跨距可达40 m(12列集装箱)以上,只需堆场承载才能满足,堆高可超越7一8层,且轨迹吊还可有外伸。因而轨迹吊的场所利用率要高于轮胎吊。For the limits of carrying capacity of tires, machine deviation,etc, the outline dimension of tyred lift can not be improved at present , the general parameters are:span≦23.4m,( 6 containers plus 1lane), pile height≤18.2(5-6). But the span of track lift can be above 40 meters(12containers), and pile height can be above 7-8 layers, and extension included, so the place utilization rate of track lift is much higher that of tyred lift.
2.2 本钱剖析Cost analysis现在,在轨距、速度等技能参数相一起,2种设备的收购报价相差不大,轨迹吊略低。关于码头的请求,轨迹吊可选用较多车轮,与现在通常为8个车轮的轮胎吊相比,轮压低些,但轨迹吊需建配套变电站,铺设电缆、轨迹等,堆场建造出资较高.For combing the technological parameters together, such as: gauges,speeds, the bid prices for these two kinds of cranes are more or less. According to requests from the port, the track lift can select more wheels ,compared with the tyred lift( usually 8 tyres), it has less wheel pressure. But the track lift needs supported transformer substation,cable laying,track, so the yard construction cost is comparatively higher.
在运转中,轨迹吊通过电网直接用电,而轮胎吊则必须用自带柴油机发电,在完结一样动作、耗费一样能量的状况下,直接从电网用电比自行发电本钱低。别的,轮胎吊处于等待状况时,柴油机还需损耗部分额外的油料,而轨迹吊在起升组织降低时还有部分能量反馈到电网。因而,轨迹吊的能耗显着要低得多,在运转本钱上有较大优势。During operation, the power of the track lift is from the electricity grid, but the tyred lift needs an attached diesel electrical machine, so for the same action and power consumption, the cost of power from grid is much less than that supplied by oneself. While the tyred lift is on standby, the diesel electrical machine is still consuming extra diesel, but the track lift could repay some power to the grid while its lifting mechanisms are lowing. So the energy consumption of track lift is much lower and thus a good advantage in operation cost.
轮胎吊选用柴油机,即便是进口的柴油机组也有较高的毛病率,还需求定时进行保护和大修、小修等,而轨迹吊选用的是电缆卷筒供电,进口电缆卷筒厂家通常能够确保其3 -5年无毛病运转。轨迹吊选用钢制车轮,寿命基本上能够确保和整机一样,而轮胎吊的轮胎需定时替换。The tyred lift selects diesel machinery which needs regular maintenance, reparation,overhaul, and there always be somethings wrong with it even for imported ones. The track lift selects cable drum for power supply which can work without trouble for 3-5years. The track lift selects steel wheel whose life is as long as the whole machinery, while the tyres need replacement if necessary. 2.3 作业功率Work efficiency因为轨迹和集装箱方位相对固定,轨迹吊节省了对箱时间,功率稍高;轮胎吊的大车常常跑偏,车道和集装箱方位无法固定,需求有经历的司机常常进行吊具反转和大车纠偏动作,影响作业功率。现在没有呈现很有用的主动纠偏体系。For the positions of the track and containers are comparatively fixed, the track lift saves time in operation on containers with a higher work efficiency. There always be deviation for the tyred lift trolley, and the positions of track and containers are not fixed, all above need an experienced driver operate reverse and correction, thus affects whole work efficiency. There has not been very usually automatic correction system yet.
2.4 主动操控和码头办理体系Automatic operation and port handing system
因为在轨迹上运转,轨迹吊较简略完成整机状况的监测定位,可完成多种主动、半主动操控,进步功率。在电控体系进一步开展的状况下,将来轨迹吊有也许开展为不需求驾驶员的无人堆场体系;而轮胎吊的整机状况定位艰难,难以完成主动操控;轨迹吊可选用光纤与码头中控室通讯,带广大,抗干扰才能好,现在技能也比较老练,轮胎吊只能选用无线通讯,带宽窄,抗干扰才能差,现在大都只能单向接纳一些箱位等简略信息,还难以完结像岸边集装箱起重机那样的RCMS体系。另外,无线通讯还存在必定的传输死角。单台轨迹吊对应的集装箱密度较大,堆高也较高,需求较高的办理水平,以避免频频翻箱。For operation on tracks, the track lift can briefly finish position monitoring, active operation, semi-active operation with high efficiency. With the development of electric control system, there would be no man yard system for track lift, the optical fiber can be used between the track lift and the control room for communication with wild bandwidth and anti-interference quality, while the tyred lift can only select wireless communication with narrow bandwidth and worse anti-interference quality for only single direction brief information transmission, so it is hard to install RCMS system used in container cranes. Otherwise there is blind area for wireless communication.
For a single track lift , the container density is large, the pile height is higher, thus a higher handing level without turning over is needed.
2.5 安全性和环境保护轨迹吊在轨迹上运转,不会跑偏碰箱,而轮胎吊运用柴油机发电,发生较大污染和噪声。虽然以上疑问现在对港口的影响还不显着,但从久远来看,这些疑问不得不仔细思考。2.5 saety and environment protectionThe track lift travels on tracks without devition while the tyred lift would make more pollution and noise consuming diesel for power.Although all infulueances caused by these problems are not necessaryly worth of attention,they do deserve careful consideration in future. 2.6 转场灵活性轨迹吊转场艰难,虽然现在大大都轨迹吊技能都对比老练,但作业中仍不能扫除发作毛病的也许性,因而在一条轨迹上至少要装备2台轨迹吊。别的,虽然能够在堆场安置上做出组织,但不能彻底扫除因同一条轨迹上发作突发事件而需求多台轨迹吊一起作业的状况。依据国外的经历,通常在同一轨迹上都要装备多台轨迹吊。轮胎吊因为能够频频转场,就没有这方面的疑问。因而,关于某些轨迹较短而跨数较多的堆场,轨迹吊并不合适。2.6 Transition flexibility It is hard for track lift to operate transition easily even of comparitively advanced technology and for the uncertainty of something wrong in operation ,there should be at least 2 spare track lifts ready for use in case of need.Else although there could be alteration to stack yard organization,it is still necessary for some track lifts working together in case of some unavoidable accidents.For experiences abroad, there usually be some track lifts working on the same track.While the tyred lift can operate transition easily thus no problems mentioned above for it.So the track lift is not suitable in conditions of short track and more transitions. 为了增强转场灵活性,轨迹吊也可有几种转场计划,这也是轨迹吊研讨的一个方向。别的,国外也有在大跨距的轨迹吊跨距内再装备一小跨距轨迹吊的计划。For improving the transition flexibility,there could be some transition plans for track lift thus a discussion direction.There be a foreign plan namely to set a smaller track lift within the track gauge of a big one.该机有如下特色:(1)32 m轨距,可放置8列集装箱和2条车道。(2)跨距较大,经剖析和计算机模拟作业状况,现选用的两边刚性腿的金属结构方法有对比好的平衡性。(3)选用自行式小车驱动方法,即小车的驱动电动机、减速箱、制动器等均安装于小车架上,通过万向节传动来驱动前后4个车轮。选用这种驱动方法能够削减保护替换钢丝绳的作业量。(4)小车轨迹选用进口的A65矮轨,它踏面宽、高度低、侧向刚性好,能非常好地接受因为小车偏斜啃轨发生的侧向力。(5)大车运转速度较高,选用电动机、减速箱、制动器三合一驱动组织,尽量削减传动环节,从而削减高速运转中的磨损和噪声。车轮是特别设计的,增大了踏面宽度和轮缘强度,以应对也许呈现的啃轨疑问。(6)装备了机械防摇体系等装置,以替代原来场桥上通用的液压式减摇体系,减小了本钱和保护作业量。(7)选用由专门PLC操控的电缆卷筒,确保卷筒与大车运转速度的同步性。还通过过电缆坑时减速的方法来减缓对龟缆的冲击。(8)选用AB百电气公司的全变频沟通调速驱动体系,确保可靠运转。Features of the crane:(1) Track gauge for 32m which capable of 8 containers and 2 lanes.(2)For larger span and after analysis and computer simulation of working conditions,a metal structure with rigid legs chosen now has a better balance quality.(3)Seletion of self-propelled driving method manely the driving motor,gearbox,brakes are all installed on the trolley frame, which drives the four wheels by the universal joint.This driving method can reduce the amount of work to protect and replace steel wire rope.(4) A65 short track imported is selected as trolley track ,with wider width,low height,good lateral rigidity,can afford the lateral force caused by trolley skew.(5) The crane tranverses in higher speed, adopted with 3(motor,gearbox,brakes)in 1 driving mechanisums,be trying to reduce transmission process, thus reducing wear and noise in high speed tranversing.The wheels are specially designed with enhanced width and rim strength to deal skew.(6) The hydraulic anti-rolling system on bridge has been replaced by mechanical anti-shake system to reduce the costs and protection work amount.(7)The cable drums contrilled by dedicated PLC are selected to the synchronization tranversing speed of drums and crane. Cable pit deceleration is also used to reduce the impact to cables.(8)Full frequency communication speed drive system by AB company is applied to realise reliable tranversing.Shandong Longhui Hoisting Machinery CO.,LTD E-mail:
上一篇:BMG半门式起重机 BMG type semi-gantry crane