MH型3-16吨电动葫芦单梁门式起重机(箱体形状)MH tyre 3-16t clectric hoist single ...
更新时间:2017-08-16 03:28:33 作者:admin 点击:85
MH型3-16吨电动葫芦单梁门式起重机(箱体形状) 本机是与CD1或MD1型电动葫芦配套使用,适合于露天作业的固定跨间,本机禁止吊运易燃易爆物品,根据用户要求还可制成单端外伸悬臂式或无悬臂式结构。 本机工作环境温度为35℃一20℃,电源为三相交流50HZ.380V。 本机外形尺寸仅供参考。起重量跨度起升高度轮距B工作制度A5电动葫芦运行机构主要尺寸最大轮压型号起升速度运行速度运行速度减速机电动机h1h2B1L3左悬臂长度L1右悬臂长度L2有效悬臂长度L起重机总重tm型号功率3-3.21066A5(中级)CD1MD188/0.877/0.72034.2ZSC(A)-400-IV-1/2(套装)YZ(R)132M1-62×2.5787376007290164203060356025009.9165142182037604060320010.767.91880232848052405240420011.470.82281233364058205820550012.673.85106637ZSC(A)-600-IV-1/2(套装)YZ(R)132M1-62×2.58110777772901667031303540250010.691146/96/88260/112607837/108377290/92902207038304240320012/14.695/102186/96/838YZ(R)132M2-62×48411/114117888/108887290/92902848052405240420015.4/17.7103/110226/96/88563/115637820/108207290/92903508065406540550018.1/20.8108/1198106637YZ(R)132M1-62×2.58260783772901720033703830250012.3125146/96/838YZ(R)132M2-62×48411/114117888/108887290/92902260040704530320014.8/16.6131/136186/96/88563/115637820/108207290/92902860050705530420017.6/19.9136/144226/96/8YZ(R)160M1-62×6.38763/117637920/109207290/92903566068306830550021.3/23.2145/15910146/96/838YZ(R)132M2-62×48611/116117868/108687290/92902260040704530320016.2/19.3160/171186/96/88786/117867943/109437290/92902860050705530550018.2/21.5159/173226/96/8YZ(R)160M1-62×6.38986/119868043/110437290/92903566068306830320022.5/25.7176/19016146/96/838YZ(R)132M2-62×48888/118888045/110457290/92902310045104590420017.6/21.3201/209186/96/8YZ(R)160M1-62×6.39088/122888145/111457290/92902910055105590550021.3/24.6209/221226/96/89288/122888245/112457290/92903576068706890 25.3/28.5224 一、简图: 二、简介: MH型电动葫芦门式起重机与CD、MD等型号的电动葫芦配套使用,是一种有轨运行的中小型起重机,其适用起重量5~10吨,适用跨度为12~30米,工作环境-20摄氏度~+40摄氏度内。 本产品为一般用途起重机,多用于露天场所及仓库的装卸或抓取物料。本产品有地面操纵和室内操纵两种形式。Features:MH type electric hoist gantry crane is used together with CD1, MD1 model electric hoist, suitable for outdoor work fixed span room.the machine prohibit lifting inflammable and explosive articles, according to user requirements,it can also be made into single-ended overhanging cantilever or no cantilever structure.The machine working environment temperature is 20℃-35℃, the power supply for the three-phase ac 50 mz, 380 v.Title UnitSpecs Load:Gn1T,2T,3T,5T,10T,16T,20T. Span:S7.5m-22m. Lifting Height:H6m-30m Power source 3p A.C 50HZ 380V Class:jcA3,A5Detailed description:MH type posture single-girder gantry crane is small and medium-sized belt cantilever simple gantry crane, electric hoist is equipped with CD1 and MD1 type, main girder beams is the composite beam of joist steel and steel plate,the crane travel mechianism is mainly composed of motor, brake, reducer, wheel, etc, its structure is simple, convenient to installation, employment and maintenance. This machine is suited in a factory, railway freight yard, port terminals, hydropower station, etc.This machine work level for the A5 level, can be used in ground or operation room.
1.The composition of bridge:
Crane bridge is mainly composed of mechanical, electrical and metal structure of three parts.
1.1 Mechanical Parts
By the main lifting mechanism, assistant lifting mechanism (more than 16 t only), the trolley running mechanism and the cart supporting institutions. Including: motor, coupling,transmission shaft,brake,reducer,coiling block and wheel.
1.2 Metal Structure
Mainly composed of crane span structure(main beam,ending beam,handrail,walking board,trolley track),cab and trolley frame.
1.3 Electrical Parts
Mainly composed of electrical equipment and electrical circuit,including bridge cran power plsnt and the control system of every organization starting,speed regulation,reversing,brake and stop.
2.Inspection and Maintenance System
Due to the lots of part,for the different technology features of every part,we divided the inspection and maintenance cycle into week,month and year.The detail of every cycle as follows:
1)Check whether the nut、cotter pin、positioning plate is complete and loose,the leverage and spring is complete, the pin bolt and buffer washer of brake wheel is complete and loose,the brake is reliable.When open the brake,the gap of the brake tile should less than 1.0mm and should equal to the brake distance gap of both side, every shaft pin can't be stucked.
2) Check whether the safety protection switch and the limit switch is accurate, flexible and reliable, especially the rising limit is reliable.
3) Check whether the drum and wire rope winding on the pulley is normal, is there bat, channeling, knot and distorted, whether wire rope clamp bolt fastening,is there a double nut locking device.
4) Check whether the bolt of lifting mechanism coupling on the sealing fastening screw loose.
5) Check whether the institution drive is normal, with or without abnormal noise.
6) Check whether the lubrication of the lubrication parts condition are in good condition.
7) Check is there obstacles that block bridge machine running. 售后服务的宗旨: 公司本着实现顾客满意度最大化的原则,在国内各大城市设立营销服务机构,向顾客提供快捷、完善的售前、售中、售后服务。 一、在保质期内如有质量问题,本公司均按规定实行“三包”服务。 二、在接到用户关于产品质量问题通知后,立即派出售后维修人员进行处理。 三、出厂合格率:99%; 四、根据用户要求,协助安装调试,主动做好售前、售后服务工作。将管理软件安装到各营业所,并对营业所的操作人员进行软件使用培训;对产品维护管理人员进行产品知识培训。 五、定期进行产品使用普查,防患于未然。Shandong Longhui Hoisting Machinery CO.,LTD
上一篇:MGH双主梁门式起重机桁架式 MGH double girder gantry crane (truss)